Kissing frogs at Rotary meetings

kissing-frogsNetworking at Rotary meetings has received an undeserved bad rap.  I have even been told it violates Rotary policy.  It does not.  Some clubs fine members for doing business or exchanging business cards at meetings.  This is unfortunate. Networking at Rotary predates the concept of Service as part of Rotary. Paul Harris and the founders of Rotary established Rotary as a fellowship and networking opportunity for members.

In Past RI President Richard King’s “to the Question Why Join Rotary” he states, “The second original reason for Rotary’s beginning is business development. Everyone needs to network. Rotary consists of a cross section of every business community. Its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help each other and collectively help others.”

Networking is a valid reason to join Rotary. However, anyone who joins only for networking opportunities will be disappointed, the expected sales will not materialize. As source of contacts and as a valuable place to develop networking and leadership skills Rotary is second to none. Continue reading Kissing frogs at Rotary meetings

Social Media How- to Vignettes

With the current need for “how-tos” on social media, Rotary International has created short, video vignettes focused on using social media strategically.  This is a new approach and the vignettes are intended for more experienced learners who already know the basics of setting up a Facebook page or Twitter account.  They are designed to be shared online or can be incorporated into presentations or training sessions.  To date, two vignettes have been created:

  • Better connect with your local community through Facebook focuses on how clubs and districts can use their Facebook page to effectively engage with their local community and built reciprocal relationships.
  • The power of images: Telling Rotary’s story through social media will guide viewers through the process of using powerful and engaging images to tell Rotary’s story.

The first vignette is now available on Vimeo . It will be promoted via Rotary’s Facebook page and @rotary on Twitter.  The second vignette will be available in two weeks.  

In the first video learn about connecting with your community using a Facebook page for your club or district. The video shares some strategic tips to engage locally and build relationships with local community organizations.



Top 5 Reasons To Get A Vehicle Wrap

I like the following blog post from The 5 reasons to get a vehicle wrap applies to Rotary as much as any no- for-profit or commercial enterprise. Using a vehicle as a mobile bill board is an efficient, effective and economical way to tell the Rotary story.

The new Rotary Brand Center  has graphics and logos that can be adapted for a vehicle wrap.     Penny Offer, RPIC Zone 24 West

Top 5 Reasons To Get A Vehicle Wrap

  1. Return on Investment

As the graphic above illustrates, a vehicle wrap is a moving billboard that costs around $0.10 per 1000 impressions, much less than all other traditional forms of offline advertising.

2) It’s a Unique Advertising Medium

The popular marketing author and public speaker Seth Godin promotes the need for businesses be like a “Purple Cow,” or in other words, businesses need to be remarkable to stand out among their competition. Vehicle wraps provide a unique way to be remarkable. Depending on how a wrap is designed, it has the capability to turn heads and get noticed.

PDG CarolAnn Jeronimo,
District 7640, Governor 2010-11

3) Volume

It takes 9 times for people to see your brand for them to remember it, and having the mobile billboard driving around their city or parked in their neighborhood increases those chances substantially. Vehicle wraps are viewed by over 72,000 people per month.

4) One-time Investment

When properly cared for, there are no on-going costs to maintain a vehicle wrap. Wraps do not need to be renewed and they do not expire like other forms of advertising.

5) It Protects your Vehicle and can be Easily Removed

DG Betty Screpnek
District 5370
Governor 2013-14

Contrary to popular belief, vehicle wrapping actually protects and preserves your paint job, given it’s installed by a seasoned professional. It can also be cleanly removed when it needs to be removed.